

March 27 - April 8, 2023


Use SE2 to build something cool and win some ETH!

🧙 Anyone can participate!

🔥 Get started whenever you want!

🧑‍🔬 Focus in on the fullstack capabilties of 🏗 Scaffold-Eth-2!

⚙️ This is a great opportunity to build a prototype that needs both smart contracts and a frontend.

😎 No pressure, try to build a two-day prototype sometime throughout the next two weeks (March 27 - April 8).

🎥 Create a 2 minute video that shows off your app.

💡 Example idea: build a splitter app that works with all wallets and give it away for free!

🧌 Hack solo, bring a crew, or find a friend in the telegram.

📥 Project Submissions will open April 7th!

minimum 10 ETH distributed by committee

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